Excellent, concise video. This is why I am a paying subscriber to Banished (and Booksmart Studios in general) and share its content frequently with my co-workers and friends.

Point four in the comparisons between "training" and "education" is vital: "Having to say something" vs. "Having something to say". This gets at the heart of why DEI training sessions tend to fail: compelled speech is not the same as struggling thoughtfully with a concept. "Performative" vs. "Transformative", as noted in point ten.

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Can diversity training include education? In diversity training at my workplace, I learned about microaggressions. It was educational and helpful.

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Of course you are correct; but for education to be effective critical thinking has to be established. It may be too much to hope that college can universally do that, or that many students are interested in much more than vocational training for a career.

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