Following the rule of law, legal immigration, preventing sex trafficking, abolishing cartels, is not authoritarian.

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Very well written.

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This is so spot-on.

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Thanks, Steve. Hope you're well!

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Spot on--as usual.

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I couldn't agree more.

(Note: For most of the links I'm getting a login screen for Carlton University: "To use Library resources from off-campus, sign in with your Carleton username and password. You will end up back at the Library home page and can use our online resources as if you were on campus.")

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Links fixed! Thanks for the heads-up--

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Spot on. Especially happy to see #3.

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Thanks for reading!

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These administrators act like a child waiting for a deserved spanking. And all they got was a time out.

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Stoicism is dead apparently. Everyone is a fragile flower that needs safe spaces, legos, and puppies. College students need to grow the fuck up.

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Sounds like a bunch of cat ladies are running these places.

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DEI is just another outgrowth of political correctness, which is just totalitarianism masquerading as liberalism.

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This is a really good article, and I agree with the main point. No answer to today’s problems lie in navel gazing. Get out of the mental prisons of thought created by others to make students into useful idiots. There is much to learn from those who disagree - they are not idiots or garbage. They fight your wars, they staff your companies, they lead, they follow, they own the businesses where you buy stuff, and they pay the taxes. They are brilliant, creative, hard working people who come from everywhere. Learn why they voted for a “felon” over yet another horrible, pedantic candidate who couldn’t articulate answers that made sense.

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So true. So much “yes” in this article.

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