This is exactly why we need a (non-ideologically captured) ACLU to come back from the dead.

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What is good for Minnesota may not be good for Florida.

Folks in the Blue belts really should learn something about diversity of opinion. We do not want a monoculture in this country. Our diversity is one of our greatest assets. This is why the constitution was written to provide for greater powers to the states. It allows for a more diverse nation and better control of local issues by the people most affected. The founders were wise indeed. They had endured and escaped monoculture, and formed a more perfect union.

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You're right, sort of. Just be sure to loudly, relentlessly remind those Reds too…

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I'm pretty sure "those Reds" already know this.

Take a look at the demographic breakdown of those "blue" outposts. How about Martha's Vineyard for example? Then compare with just about any city in the South. You tell me who really practices diversity rather than just talking about it.


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NY, if I remember correctly, has the most-segregated school system in the country. Segre, separated, + gated…

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Your general point is well-taken. At the same time, you know that the Gov is trying to wipe schools clean from the obscene introduction of “non-traditional” (to say the least) sexual practices and gender fluidity to young minds that can’t handle it and shouldn’t be exposed to it.

The USA is in decline, and the left seems to be fine with this. In fact, it seems to be the end goal. We need only to recall Obama’s first inaugural address when he said “we’re going to fundamentally transform the United States of America”.

If his vision comes to pass, many on the left will be shocked to discover that what’s on the other side is totalitarianism.

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Yes, this comment from Obama (echoed by Biden and other Democrats) is repellent to me. Culture is organic, natural and must always be left to the people.

Government at its best takes care of essentials such as infrastructure and law enforcement. If it would do that well, and leave the rest to the people, there would be little need to even discuss politics, much less fight over it.

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Of course the anti-woke Act w0ould trouble a fascist like you that supports indoctrination and censorship against those with whom you disagree.

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Cultural issues are best either left to the states or left alone.

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